

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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RSCC Policy BA-01-02; 运动队或其他学生团体旅行

保单号码: BA-01-02
主题: 运动队或其他学生团体旅行

This policy is established in recognition of the unique characteristics associated with travel by athletic personnel 和 teams 和 other groups. The purpose of the policy is to address practical considerations for travel related specifically to the performance of intercollegiate athletic recruiting, 运动队旅行, 和其他学生团体旅游. 旅行 for other purposes by athletic personnel 和 other non-student groups shall be subject to the 一般的旅行 policy (BA-01-01). 所有旅行将根据TBR政策编号报销. 4.03.03.除非下文提供了特殊的例外情况. 除了, each athletic department employee shall comply with all pertinent regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) 和 the athletic conference of which the college is a member.

  1. 运动招募
    1. 批准旅行-下列事项须经主席事先批准:
      1. Blanket travel authorization for scouting or recruiting; 和
      2. 在任何与招聘有关的场合,由机构支付费用的访客和客人的旅行.
    2. Guest Meals - The actual cost of guest meals may be claimed when incurred by a staff member for recruiting purposes 提交一份客人用餐授权表供批准. 需要收据.
    3. 学生招募
      1. 工作人员有责任遵守相关的NCAA, NJCAA, 还有关于招收学生的会议规则.
      2. 可安排当地汽车旅馆/酒店住宿, 和, 经体育主管或指定人员批准, 可根据第II条收费. F. 下面.
      3. The use of campus dining services should be arranged 和 costs may be charged to the athletic department. 如果有必要的话, 工作人员将按校外伙食费用报销, 提交一份客人用餐授权表供批准, 允许合理和惯常的小费. 索赔必须附有收据.
      4. Transportation may be arranged through a local travel service 和 charged to the athletic department 经体育主管或指定人员批准. Automobile mile年龄 may be reimbursed to a student recruit at the maximum rate allowed under BA-01-01 for the use of a personal vehicle.
      5. 娱乐费用可以按照NCAA、NJCAA和会议规定的成本报销.
  2. 旅行
    1. 所有校际运动招募, 体育团队, 其他团体旅游须经主席批准. 在任何团队或团体旅行之前,必须提交旅行授权表格以获得批准. The travel authorization may include all travel proposed for the entire season except for post season competition which must be submitted 和 authorized separately.
    2. 学院官员及学院嘉宾(助理教练除外), 经理, 得分记录簿饲养员, 等.陪同团队或团体旅行的人员必须事先得到主席的批准.
    3. 在所有情况下, 团队或团体交通将按照学院规定的程序安排, 旅行路线要提前安排好. 如果费用超过RSCC政策BA-01-01中批准的差旅费, documentation must be maintained in the applicable department or office indicating that various cost alternatives have been explored before making all arrangements 和 reservations. 然而, 如果这样的安排是由学院的采购办公室, 该办公室将保存所有适当的文件.
    4. A team or group roster of all individuals on a particular trip must be included with the itinerary documentation 和 team/group travel authorization form for proper accounting 和 auditing purposes.
    5. 旅行预支金额为预计旅行费用的100%, 前提条件:
      1. 预支的请求, 包括估计费用, 提交给商务和财务副总裁并获得批准.
      2. One person from the athletic department or coach staff member who is familiar with the travel regulations (trip coordinator) will be responsible for the advance 和 all bills connected with team or group travel.
      3. 根据BA-01-01政策,所有团队或团体的旅行费用都需要收据.
      4. Each employee receiving a temporary travel advance must sign a payroll deduction authorization form which will allow the state to recover the advance from any salary owed the employee in the event of termination of employment or failure to submit a travel claim. This deduction from payroll should be used as a last resort only in the event all other efforts to collect the advance have failed.
      5. 在返回时, 员工应提交报销申请或报销任何实际支出. 索赔/请求应显示要求报销的总费用. 预支金额应从总额中减去. 然后,应准备一张支票,以支付应付给员工的额外金额. 预支款项不得超过实际费用. 如果这真的发生了, 然而, the excess should be returned by the employee to the Business Office for deposit as a credit against the original advance with proper distribution being made of the actual expenses incurred.
    6. 住宿费用不得超过RSCC旅行政策BA-01-01规定的费率.
      1. 订购单只适用于卧室费用. Telephone calls 和 other incidental charges must be paid for by the trip coordinator 和 included, 如果可补偿, 在返回后提交的索赔/报销请求.
      2. 如果得到商业和金融副总裁的授权, lodging may be charged to a special business travel credit account maintained by the VP for Business 和 金融 office under the same conditions as outlined in F.1.
      3. If a purchase order for lodging is not issued nor the lodging charged to the business travel credit account, the trip coordinator must pay for all lodging 和 incidental expenses 和 file a claim for reimbursement in accordance with Section E. 5.
    7. Miscellaneous expenses, such as movies while on team or group trips, must be supported by receipts. Telephone calls by staff members for business purposes may be claimed if documentation is provided on the telephone number 和 person called, 以及打电话的目的.
    8. 与团队或团体旅行相关的个人膳食将遵循学院的政策, 一般的旅行, BA-01-01.
    9. 团队或团体旅行餐食或零食将按实际费用报销. 小费不得超过通常和习惯的费率. 除非使用用餐日志,否则需要适当的文件和收据.

      If the employee (trip coordinator) distributes money to each team or group member for individual meals, 然后必须保存一份书面的用餐日志. 这个日志必须表明每个人收到了多少钱, 分发它的目的, 并有每个收款人的签名. This log must be attached to the expense claim/reimbursement request submitted in accordance with Section E.5. 如果预支的是餐费, the meal log may be submitted directly to the Business Office within three (3) business days after returning from the trip 和 will be used as the basis for clearing the meal advance.
    10. All travel claims 和 requisitions for team or group travel must be approved in writing by the athletic director 和 other appropriate approving authorities in accordance with other institutional policies or procedures.
  3. 其他团体旅游
    旅行 by student groups or other groups of participants in 贝博体育 or activities of the institution may be reimbursed under the same provisions as included in Section II above. For group travel associated with voluntary participation in an activity by students 和/or guests of the Institution, 学生或客人必须在出发前签署一份保持无害协议. 协议可从RSCC主页获取,关键字是“保持无害”。.
  4. 异常
    The chancellor or his or her designee may approve exceptions to the requirements of this policy in appropriate cases.

修订生效日期: 01/25/2016
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 09/20/1994
批准人: 加里·高夫,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 07/25/2018



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